RT-104 - model, mentor, monitering
I like the idea of this course and how it seems to be laid out, especially recognizing how caring for the student's interests, personally as well as professionally come into play. accountability seems to be the key to keeping the student totally involved and wanting to succeed in the program.
of course these are just my preliminary thoughts, I am looking forward to getting more into the course before I can comment further.
Finding ways to learn about the lives and motivations of students and providing them with an environment that allows them to make a few mistakes without weakening their self esteem is a key to good retention. It also takes great teaching of a contemporary curriculum.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I had never thought of my part in the students' lives, but this course has shown me how much influence I can actually have. Thank you!
Teachers never really know how influential they can be. I have a poor teacher in high school that turned me off to anything having to do wiht math or science. That closed a lot of doors for me before I really looked inside.
Jeffrey Schillinger
Great comments! It my Campus we say "It takes a Village"
That means all of us working together to Graduate a student. calling, encouraging, showing them they can do it and cheering them onto the finish line. Some of them return into other Programs.
Hello everyone,
This course really makes you think about the impact we make on students' lives as instructors. Every moment in the classroom is an opportunity to teach, and mentor our students.
You are right on target here. A bad day or a flipent comment could cause a student to leave.
Jeffrey Schillinger