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To be candid, I know very little about our admissions process. What I do know, I have learned second hand through the students or observed in the students who've been admitted. It appears to me that a checklist or survey like the one described in your course would be an excellent instrument to gauge interest and aptitude. Prospective students are given a tour of the campus but seldom given access to instructors or students. I think perhaps, that's a missed opportunity.

Yes, there are a few things that the admissions representatives don't explain very well. It leads to complaints later on, in the classroom.I have been communicating with an admissions director to help him tune up his reps.

Our current admissions process is good but just like any other process it could use some revisions. Our advisors do a great job of informing students about local, regional and national job opportunities for my specific program. The one area I think that needs the most improvement is consistency between admission representatives. We have a checklist and as long as the checklist is completed, it is assumed that everyone is doing everything the same. What about what they say and how they say it? I have come across several students in my eight years of higher education who make comments like, “that’s not what my admissions rep told me” or “no one told me I couldn’t get hired in XYZ field if I had a felony.” I do not think it is the process that is failing; it is the individual representative who misinforms and misguides a student, which then causes the student to give up and leave once they find out the truth (usually mentioned by a professor in the first or second class period). How can something like that be fixed? Supervisors can monitor phone calls, follow advisors around or sit in on interviews all they want, but they can never catch everything. One of the things I request of all admissions advisors is to bring the students by my office as they are giving the tour. I put the student through a mini interview and ask them what they want to do, where they want to work, etc and try to fill them in on what to expect. The advisors are not usually persons who are experienced in the field they are selling…I am, and have no problem telling potential students what it will really be like. My intent is to make sure they are prepared for college and the career, not to scare them away.

I also think the U.S. DOE has shown everyone what the problem is in for-profit higher education admissions processes and they will fix it one way or another.

This is the reason that all departments need to be involved with students from day one. Things happen... However, if retention is important to all staff and admin, retention improves.

Dr. B

I do feel that our admission processes could be improved to increase student retention. I feel that we have a couple of areas that we could improve on. One would be our flip chart of information about the school and just improving and updating that as well as incorporating that into the interview a little bit easier or smoother. The other aspect would be to have the student spend more time meeting others on campus.I also feel that it would be great for students to meet with career services when they come in for their initial interview to find out more about job opportunities. When students have better ideas about final outcomes I think they are more apt to not only enroll but to complete their degree program.

I think we can always improve in ways to qualify prospective students; however you will always be comprimised by the fact that in many admissions circles the rule of the day is solely based on numbers, regardless of what anyone says.

I think that the idea of a test is great and I believe that implementation of this and sharing that information with prospects would most certainly be effective.

I also believe that a type of admissions abstract should be designed to help identify to the institution the type of students they are getting and if they are on target with their goals.

You got the right idea. The key is to share information as a team. That way, prospective students get the same story.

Dr. B

There is always room for improvement. Admissions counselors need to understand that the more time spent with prospective students, the more likely they are to succeed. Many times, they try to hasten the process and this can lead to students' dissatisfaction with the program; they feel that they were not well-informed.

I agree. Take the time to connect and to answer questions... It is always a good idea to include academics with admissions where possible. The idea is to tell the same story.

Dr. B

The admissions process at my school could use some improvement, just from observing how our admissions reps handle our prospective school, I think further training and full knowledge is key. I think it looks bad when the reps have no clear answer to the potential students questions or aren't very clear on the entire admissions process; example (financial issues or full understanding or academic part).

Program features and benefits are important. Especially link the benefits to future careers. Is there anything that you can do to help?

Dr. B

The admission can improve increase the student retention, by having the prospective student go to screening:(i.e. interview, short entrance written test, quick assesment, etc.) If the Admission agent or personnel will layout good clear plan of how the student will do in the class. It's also have a clear written plan of what to expect from the instructor and what instructor expect them (student). This may help the studnet retentions, if the written expectation are achievable.

Yes, that would help. And if academics would link with admissions in the process, what could happen? A team working to retain students is the idea.

Dr. B

admission should more aware of some of the obstacles of adult education and discuss it with prospective students more realistically. most students will look at that as a challenge they will overcome if they are aware of it early on and prepare accordingly.


Do your best to remove barriers as well. Retention is the business of the whole school. What would happen if you linked for the sake of retention?

Dr. B

I feel that our admissions process is great. They are very concise, answer many questions the student has, etc. The admission representative also stays in touch with the student throughout their first quarter.

Admissions, if successful, is all about recruiting the "right" students for our discipline. Students who lack the appropriate motivation, skills and knowledge have a significantly lower chance of success than those who are highly motivated to succeed, are quite knowledgable about our discipline and are prepared about success. Admissions is our gatekeeper and they should successfully admit those with the right qualities and re-direct those who don't.

Yes I do. I believe in the past, the admissions team was more into adding another student to their list d/t various incentives related to high numbers rather than helping students to find the right fit for them. Our process has recently made a change for the better in that department and also have more specific criteria the student must have to be considered for the nursing program. I think this will be a win-win situation.

I think our "Career Services" dept. does a nice job of preparing students using mock interviews and portfolio training. They have individuals from our local business community available to assist with this process as well.

Yes, I believe it can by giving the student a more realistic view of what the culinary business is like and also culinary school. Sometimes students come in with a romanticized idea of what the culinary world is like due to food television exposure and come in thinking that is what they will go into. A more detailed and realistic perspective will help that situation.

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