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Givivng the students a upfront detailed projection of whats expected of them in class so there are no suprizes . Then they can concentrate on their work load and this can be donen ina relaxed manner as long as the expectaions are adhered too.

A feeling of structure comes from

a. the syllabus
b. putting each day's agenda on the board, and checking each item off as you complete it
c. making clear to the class when you have completed a major section of the course, and announcing the next section. Start with why it is important, and then tell what it will contain and how you will progress. Don't forget to mention how they will be tested.

A feeling of relaxation, on the other hand, comes from the minute-to-minute way you conduct the class. Are you friendly? Are you funny? Do you let them talk a lot? Do they do things (activities) and participate? Do you give breaks? Are you always rushing from one thing to the next? Make sure you've allowed enough time for each item in your agenda.

Thanks, Mark.

Therse are good tips. A lot of our students need these "markers" in order to feel comfortable in the class.

Humor is very important. Students remember more when learning is linked to a strong emotion. Humor establishes a good learning climate as long as it is not humor that makes fun of someone else.

I try to maintain the most relaxed environment for my students. I use humor whenever possible, but I relate it to actual work experiences to make it real. I also present the syllabus up front and act like a slave driver to make sure everyone stays on track and finishes on time or early. This way it gives time for review or for students to practice and sharpen their skills.

I like to get to know my students and set aside time in class to talk to each of them so I understand where they are coming from. I set expectations, but make sure they understand that I will work with them to help them with their goals - and the goals I set for them. By giving them the opportunity to help set the class goals, they understand that structure is necessary but we can reach the goals in a way that doesn't make them feel lost.

I like to treat the classroom just as I would a production work environment, and my students my fellow workers. The environment is friendly and relaxed, yet there's still a task at hand that must be accomplished.

My definition of a relaxed yet structured environment is one where specific rules are set:
be on time as class starts on time, assignments are due and completed on time, professional conduct, respect for each other, cell phone off and out of site. Writing the days tasks, reminders for future assignments, upcoming college events and an "hangman" game gets the class engaged-i use humor, their personal experiences, my personal experiences, encouragement and coaching as needed. many of my students tell me that they feel, regardless of what is going on in class, i am in control of the class and they learn from me. In the real world, you are expected to come to work ready to do your job, bring with you what you need, and interact with alot of different types of people. both of my current classes work together as a team, either in the classroom or in the library. I am not sure what i and my other faculty member are doing but it seems to be working well.

My definition of a relaxed yet structured environment is one where specific rules are set:
be on time as class starts on time, assignments are due and completed on time, professional conduct, respect for each other, cell phone off and out of site. Writing the days tasks, reminders for future assignments, upcoming college events and an "hangman" game gets the class engaged-i use humor, their personal experiences, my personal experiences, encouragement and coaching as needed. many of my students tell me that they feel, regardless of what is going on in class, i am in control of the class and they learn from me. In the real world, you are expected to come to work ready to do your job, bring with you what you need, and interact with alot of different types of people. both of my current classes work together as a team, either in the classroom or in the library. I am not sure what i and my other faculty member are doing but it seems to be working well.

Rose Ann,

The relaxed yet structured atnosphere is one in which students usually thrive. It is best not to have too many "absolute" rules, like "no late work accepted." Reasonable rules, like consequences for late work, tend to work better.

Jeffrey Schillinger

in our discipline (veterinary technology) it is absolutely essential that students learn that certain things MUST be done in a certain time frame and that if you don;t do them the consequences could be DEATH of the patient. that is why i have started using some of these rules as it pretty quickly separates out those students who "get it" vs those students who take a more "relaxed" view of what is required of them. Our classes are fun, all the students readliy and comfortably partake of whatever is going on, will question for clarification, but also understand that certain disciplines must be met for success. I owned a practice, employed veterinary technicians and am keenly aware of what they need to have in place to succeed I appreciate your comments but at some points students have to learn to be held responsible for what they do. If its late, its not done, and you don't get credit for it. My students are the best on campus (this from the librarian, and all the gen ed teachers they have) so i feel the structure i apply to the classroom seems to allow most students to thrive.

Rose Ann,

Thanks. I understand your position.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Being prepared, communication and follow-up. From the Director of First Impressions, Admissions, Financail Aid, Education and Career Services.

We all must understand our school's mission, policies and procedures. Then create a "Success focused IEP" that is based on ours student's HABEs.


What are the key features of or strategies within a "student focused IEP?"

Jeffrey Schillinger

I am all for structure in the classroom mixed with some humor and class participation. There is so much material to introduce and the student's need to remain alert. I also go over the syllabus, and write the topics that will covered on the board, as well as quiz/exam schedule, and due dates for assignments. The class also receives a calendar for the entire module with all important information. This allows them to prepare in advance.

As a math instructor, a majority of my students fear the subject matter, mainly due to the fact that they have been unsuccessful in the past(HABEs). I must create an atmosphere that is non-threatening and one in which they feel that they can experience success. This is achieved through establishing a relaxed environment in which I present the concepts in a relevant and often entertaining manner. Don't be afraid to have some fun with the students. If you expect them to be passionate about learning, you must let them see your passion for teaching.


Good points. General education faculty members sometimes have a lot of barriers to overcome as students tend to be weak in those areas and did not come to school to study those subjects. Establishing a valid "why" upon which students can base their learning is essential.

Jeffrey Schillinger

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