Using a step-by-step process to communicate and show the student that you care is a important way to gain trust.
Follow up is key to continue the positive process.
If we provide adequate assistance to the students, they could learn to overcome obstacles and build problem-solving strategies. It will be valuable as in their personal as and professional life.
It is very important to understand what students may be dealing with to understand how they behave. If student trust school administrators they will feel comfortable to share what they feel. If they choose to seek help, we need to be ready to Listen! When this happens, we need to be ready to take the 8 necessary steps - Pre-work, Greeting, Connecting, Discussing and Listening, Reflecting and creating options, Contracting, Follow up and launching.
I think it makes sense to help students imagine/attain the successful future they wanted for themselves when they enrolled in classes. After all, if it is the belief that they can no longer achieve this future that drives them to drop out.
It is important to remember that students are viewing a conversation or event through their own paradigm, which maybe completely different than yours. You have to try and have a conversation to understand their paradigm and then try to help them reframe the event in their mind. I will use the eight stages when helping my students work through issues.
The institution must have a clear plan to follow and with those responsible, so that the student can resort to it when necessary or the person who detects any alert can direct the student to seek this help.
Take time to understand students and give them a safe space to express how they feel.
1. Pre-work
2. Greeting
3. Connecting
4. Discussing and Listening
5. Reflecting and Creating Options
6. Contracting
7. Following up
Utilizing these 8 steps will assist not only the student but the instructor as well. the important part of the 8 steps is building trust with the student and assisting student in development
We need to ask questions from our students. Then we have to listen. When a student makes an attempt to open up to us, we Must be there to listen.
Creating a goo and healthy relationship with a student is very important and they must feel a sense of belonging and that they're being listen to. It's very important to ask them questions and to allow them to express themselves. Feedback is also very vital, it gives students a feeling of being valued instead of being ignored.
It is not your responsibility to solve the students problem, but rather guide them to find their own solutions. I think this helps the student build grit and problem solving skills.
Trust is the most important thing we can give to students who are coming to us for assistance!
While reading, I noticed that invention is important to maintain a student's academic and personal success.
Interventions, coaching, GPA updates, ect. are all crucial to ensure that the studet understands where they are, where they need to be, and their strengths & weaknesses. This way we can set them up for sucess.
Active listening is very important. There are several stages to working with students, don't just use a "one style meets all" approach
Supporting students to express their problems, providing a safe and trusting environment, and allowing them to identify the problem and possible solutions are important in retention efforts.