Providing students with the proper guidance can help build a relationship that could possibly make the difference between them reaching out to you and seeking help or not. Often times people will not reach out if they do not feel listened too.
Students need to be understood on a personal level.
I have found that the Attention=Retention is true. When you take just a few moments to smile and say hello even when you're busy it makes a difference.
I feel encouraging students, listening to their concerns will make a big impact on them. Most of them never had someone to talk too. Sharing your Ideas and and setting a good example will keep them engaged. We need to need to be a model and mentor to them throughout their education.
Not only must you get to know your students as well as allow them to know you. Thru that you must model the behavior you expect to maintain in the classroom.
If students see you are human and that you lead by example it makes you more relatable and easier to get to know what your students needs are as far as learning.
Paying attention to the students is so important! I can tell a change in a students mood when I take the time to talk to them, care about them as a person, and inquire about their feelings and opinions. It truly makes a difference.
There are various aspects that from my experience and this training are reaffirmed. The Importance of studying the habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations, are a coherent way to enter the world of the participants, get involved and try to provide them with a comprehensive experience that helps them explore their potential and different possibilities. From this vision, mentoring processes are effective, since they do not start from an exogenous and disconnected vision of the student. It is about carrying out work that is aware of the student's needs and providing a quality service.
have a nice day
Student contact is imperative and essential to their success.
I've learned every positive interaction, no matter how small, has an impact on students and their learning journey. I have daily goals that align with this subject, and I recommend you all make it part of your daily routine. Make it a point to interact with at least three students every day. Ask them how they are doing and if the answer is not ideal, do ask what you can do for them. Do NOT make it business only. Do try to find out something about them you did not know before, and next time you see those students you have interacted with, ask them about what they told you. e.g. How did it go in your interview? Or, Is your father doing better?
Once you take this as part of your daily work life, you will start noticing how they light up and be surprised at you remembering your conversation and following up on it.
Focus will be always on the students.
I was reminded once again how the whole school has to work together towards student retention. It is not only the job of the class instructor to keep the student engaged, but the whole school. From the way they are greeted when they first enter the building, to the interaction they have with other departments, and the motivation they receive from those in charge. I have seen students light up and smile with just a simple acknowledgement from a director or student services admin. Students can tell when you really care and when you don't, so it's important to practice empathy and remind staff and faculty we are all working together for the success of each student.
I have learned connecting rather than correcting a student goes a long way.
The concept of an "Intelligent Heart" was also quite intriguing. In fact, the importance of learning to recognize, accept, and help our students transform some of their negative emotions is something that may truly benefit those who are struggling. It's easy to see the complaints or frustrated students as a problem, but when we take the time to see them for more than the situation they are presenting and the emotions they are experiencing we can serve them better.
I found the section, "Attention=Retention" quite interesting as it was seemingly true during my undergrad experience. In fact, part of my retention during the initial year which was quite difficult for me was due to an instructor and faculty that maintained a close relationship with me. In some sense I felt part of a community and I was cared for by staff. I plan to take the advice learned here to seek out 5 students on a regular basis.
Giving personal attention to our students, motivates them to ask, learn and perform better
It is so important to show how invested we are as faculty/staff to our students. By providing them with this extra attention it will help them want to also succeed in their studies.
Students need to be shown that they are being cared for which is why follow up is very important. Even if they miss class once call them get to know why they didn't attend. Also, it's very important to identify those at risk of dropping out, follow up on them, you can even talk to their admission rep, get to know their background it helps in reminding them why they enrolled in the first place.
The students are the big customers and without students no school. The resources from there students is what the financial and financing of the institutions depended upon. We must be read to pay serious attentions to heir problems and help the to succeed. We needs to hold them paramount.
I am in agreement we must pay good attention to them all time.
Comment on Rena Lloyd's post:
Building a relationship at the very start of the class is very important. Getting to the know the students and remembering their names, their likes and dislikes helps to build the relationship.
Bottom Line I need to be involved and committed to my students.