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As I went charging into my new lecture class, History of Art: The Renaissance to the 20th Century, I was handed all the course materials. Syllabus, PowerPoint presentations, book, quizzes, worksheets...everything. Well, almost everything. As I was prepping, I looked at the course calendar, and it indicated that Day 1 was a review of Middle Ages and the Late Gothic Period. Looking for the slideshow so I could get acquainted with the lesson, I discovered that I had every class covered EXCEPT for the first day's lesson! I made a rather mad scramble to create a lesson that seemed to fit in with the other lessons. I used the book as a guide, and hopefully my presentation wasn't too much of a snooze fest. I initially felt rather hung out, but I rather liked what I put together much more than the other lessons I've done. They pre made lessons seem to leave out a lot and are full of information that seems suspect at times, often containing more opinion that fact. Looking back, I'm glad I had to come with Day 1 at the last minute. Anybody else get handed their course materials only to go in and start revising it?

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