This section really drives home the fact that none of our departments can be successful without the others. We really need to continually push for cross-functional partnering between departments throughout each Campus. I cannot create, manage, or have a successful Career Services Department without the buy-in and support of Admissions, Education, and Financial Aid. On the contrary, they also cannot be as successful with out my buy-in or support.
In every organization I have worked for, there is a clear divide between departments. What I have seen is one department stating they are working the hardest while everyone else gets attention...so on and so forth. This is never fully true though, we just need to remain aware of each departments hurdles and do what we can to assist which will eventually come back around in our favor!
I intend to use this information to maintain awareness of elements within my campus that are impacting our student retention in hopes to help fill gaps and improve the retention.