This discussion has been VERY interesting!! I am a relatively new instructor and perhaps have not developed an overall sense of the student types yet, but I have noticed that there are two types of students for sure in my health care classes. One group are the older folks who are changing careers due to the economic stress and they bring a fierce determination to succeed to the class room. Then there are the ones who are used to being given all the information so they can pass or get by with a minimum of effort. Sadly, some of that has occured as the pressures in grade/high school mount to get kids out the door. Also, as kids are raised with families that don't interact with each other or society except by only phone or text, they develop the sense that it is normal behavior. I do get attitude from the "lazy" students that they should be given an A just because they came that day and there is whining about "why do we have to know this?" in my classes and I try to get it accross to them the importance. Overall though, I enjoy having both types in class and trying to see if through class activities, I can get them to work together. Teaching is definitely a change from being an operating room nurse!! Mindy Smith