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I have read articles on this particular subject. They are as not as narcississtic and it appears to instructor. In the article (Adapting Your Teaching to Accommodate the Net Generation of Learners), the authors, Diane Skiba, and Amy Barton, layed out some characteristics of the Net generation. They identified fierce independence, this I believe is where the narcississtic attitude comes from. Free expression and strong views, instructors see this when a student just starts taking over the instructor and wanting a precise answer. Immediacy, they view the world as a 24-7 and demends real time and fast processing. As instructors this relates to them wanting a tests results immediately. They are very comfortable with arguing about what they think is right .We as instructors for the most part were born to the analogue world, this new generation was born into the Digital age. They know computers, iphone, iPads, these are they way of communicating. I feel what we need to do is start bringing ourselfs and others into this Digital World that is the world we now live-in.


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