I work in different types of customer service(teaching, nursing and the military) so I see people from all types of backgrounds. And yes I do feel we have a more entitled group of students coming through . But not only are the students but our younger society feels this way. It may be due to the idea that is expressed here that we have tried to tell our children that they are special and deserve it. I don't really see that as wrong but if we haven't also told them but you need to earn it. So hard work and respect are still the key..this will never change .No matter how good you are at getting the most points in your video game or have the newest techology in phones , you will always have to earn true respect and knowledge.
As teachers we can shake our heads or we can learn to incorporate the things our children hold important into our teachings. In the past I never let them use calculators in the early stages of math. Now I use them along side the teaching of doing it the "long way". They are told if you don't understand what you are putting in the machine it won't matter. And I show them the right way to use the calculator when doing the math. Nurses do have to make sure we are giving the correct dose or there could be tragic consequences. So I let them do the math there way and I do mine. I have not killed a patient yet but during our scenarios many students would be in dire straits. Once they can show me they know how to do it the old fashion way they can incorporate the calculator.
These students have different talents than I had and I sometimes enjoy them very much (powerpoint presentations can be so entertaining!)