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Follow-up with students assignments

I have learn when you follow-up with your students correcting or giving feedback on assignments, they are excited

to hear your comments. In addition i always tell them" Why" they need to change an answer. I allow them to research

a correction.

I tend to make comments on their assignments/papers and they love the feedback.  Correctling some research papers,  some of the students aren't familiar with some of the things that are being marked incorrect so I will sit with them and explain.  Once I explain it to them, it makes more sense and they are receptive to the feedback. 


I teach an introductory course in an institution with no entrance requirements.  I provide detailed feedback on their assignments, but 50% or more just look at the grade and do not respond to the feedback.  How does one entice students with limited or no study skills to look at and engage with feedback?


I always follow up with my students and the reaction is very positive. Once I reach out to them, they tend to reach back.

I think this is a wonderful idea!  I will also be trying to implement this strategy.  

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