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Interactive games

I have used a Jeopardy format to lighten up the class and learn at the same time, has anyone else tried this format?


I also use this format for my classes.  I use a Jeopardy/family feud version where students face away from the screen and I ask them the questions with one person from each team at the front of the class.  The first to tap when I read them the question gets first chance to answer.  This way they are using the auditory skills while the rest of teammates are reading the question as I read it to the contestants.  I found it very effective and fun to reinforce the material we are learning.

I have also had success in this format. Most of the students I work with are extremely competitive and enjoy in class competitions. I use this during the last day of class because not only does it give them something else to do besides listen to me talk, but it also gives them a chance to review the material before they move on to their next course in the college.

I have always used it provided time permits. Sometimes I use it to change a routine environment in the class room. It creates lot of excitement and learning becomes fun with action.

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