Within the medical field, it is extremely important to include Competency-Based Education. Learning is dynamic and instructors must consider the learning preferences of each student, making it relevant to their profession. As we, as faculty, learn how to better integrate CBE into the curriculum, we are able to encourage the learner to ask questions, allowing the learning environment to be more student-centered, personalized, and engaging.
I am a firm believer that learning should be engaging. We, as instructors, can guide the learner by allowing them to ask questions and interpret the information presented. The knowledge we gain in CBE can be disseminated to other faculty members to assist them in learning creative ways to implement this within the classroom setting.
I love the quote used within the modules "Plan instruction with the future in mind". This makes the learning more applicable for their profession and emphasizes the need for ongoing learning through various methods including mentoring and collaborating as we assess the needs of each learner.