As a teacher and Registered Nurse Industry Professional, I was quite surprised after my first week with distance learning to realize that distance learning education did work better for some students. Although some students do work better with a face-to-face course style of teaching, I have students that were struggling with completing assignments or passing a quiz who to my surprise are now some of my first to complete the coursework. I feel that there definitely an advantage in using an online format to deliver instructional knowledge. My CTE students seem to appreciate the convenience of online instructional coursework which is interactive and interesting to them. I teach Health Science and Certified Nursing Assistant. They are hearing on the news about PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) on the news and TV which they have already learned about and this has also peaked their interest. I also noticed that with the COVID-19, they completed their Health Science coursework before completing core subjects since they are all very interested in Health Science and the medical field at this time which also makes a big difference with distance learning.