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Be Positive!

If you try to consistantly be as positive as you can with everyone, it will radiate.

Greetings. We have to know how to explain to people HOW to be positive, but most importantly WHY. Once a person understands the rational behind being positive and the effect negative thinking has on their everyday activity, they then become more receptive to positivity. I have a signature presentation that I give to all those who I encounter for career services. Once given, students take on a more enlighten view of their life issues and even aids them in their job search efforts.

I teach participants HOW to THINK, not WHAT to THINK. I help participants become more aware of the power that they possess and how to make it work for them with the laws of this universe.

Kind Regards 


I agree. People want to be in involved with a positive happy environment and can sense if the environment is negaitive or positive. 

Agreed.  We are here to serve the student and we are not successful until each of them are successful.  You can not pour from an empty cup and it takes are pretty big cup to serv e our current student populations.  If you no longer love what you do, you need to step away and reevalaute for your self and the institution.  Thank you, I always enjoy these trainings. 

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