Do you know that the words you use are not only a reflection of your attitudes, but that the words you choose can also create an attitude? Today, let's take that thought a little further.
Research has proven that human beings think with words. Those words create pictures in our minds, and because of past experiences and personal histories emotion (or emotions) automatically get attached to those pictures. This happens regardless of each individual's native language, and it is the words that are the initial trigger.
As an example, Seattle basketball legend Lenny Wilkens recently was asked what had served him well over the years. He replied, "I wake up in the morning and say, 'Good morning, God,' rather than, 'Good God, it's morning.'"
How many of us fall back on the second comment - or something similar - and then find we have to drag ourselves out of bed, stand in the shower trying to convince ourselves we want to get up, and then find we "fight" traffic all the way to work. All the while, we are pushing back against the "have to" of starting our day. This "have to" attitude has a good chance of coloring the rest of the day.
How much better would life be if we started each day with a little appreciation for yet another opportunity to contribute to the betterment of the world - even in the smallest manner? A simple, heartfelt smile to the folks on the bus becomes a nearly effortless "pass along," a positive contagion for the rest of the day.
Ask yourself, how did I start my day today? If it did, indeed, color the rest of today, then ask yourself, how do I want to start the day tomorrow?