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Model for successful classroom management

Students live what they learn.  And so I believe that a teacher's physical appearance and organizational skills will set the pace for successful students and student behavior.



I agree with all these very good comments!! The instructor’s appearance, expertise and excitement is very important.


If an online course, I agree that the instructor will be perceived through his timely manner of reply and statements.



Great Comment. I agree and believe whole heartibly that modeling begins with the instructor!


I agree that a teacher's physical appearance and organizational skills will set the pace for successful students and student behavior. However, physical appearance is not possible in an online course. Perhaps, it has to be replaced with some kind of perception of the instructor or the course materials.


I agree.  Students, whether young or older, are just like children.  They will mimick the behavior of the one in authority so it is important for the instructor to model the right behavior.

I agree

students live wha they live


This can set the tone

I agree

I agree!


Ditto..Juliet. I have always believed that appearance is "almost" everything, along with lots of knowledge of the subject.  Glad to hear it addressed.


I agree!

A positive first day impression sets both the instructor

and students at ease.  Students may respect how the

instructor presents him/herself in dress and manner. 

This can set the tone for the students to follow, at

least in behavior.

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