Hello. EL106 is an interesting course.
John Halstead
Yes John and you are right that EL106 is an interesting course. I just finished taking it and I did learn a lot from it.
Hello, Learned a lot on assessments.
Use assessments that align to learning outcomes and work well in an online environment. The primary goal of the summative assessment is to determine student understanding and growth, and teachers use a variety of tools to do this. Using a variety of assessment techniques throughout the course provides instructors with the best picture of their students' learning. In an objective evaluation, the evaluator does not make any judgments about the performance of the person being evaluated. Authentic assessment is a form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.
Vimlarani Chopra
@vchopra : This related to EL106.
I have enjoyed the course as well. I think so far it has been the most enjoyable and informative one of all EL courses I had taken.