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soft skills today

just finished this course, however found the differences between people skills, soft skills, and workplace behaviors a little confusing - have a master's in psych. and didn't do as well on this as I thought I would, others?

I too found some of the information to be a bit confusing regarding people skills and workplace behaviors. I am constantly adapting to change in my work environment and it can be extremely frustrating due to the high employee turnover rate.  This course reminded me that I need to stay positive with both my coworkers and my students.

ED115 was great it will work well in the Teaching Profession as well as the Business World.  it was self explanatory and I loved to listen to the narrator.

This is great.

I have often had the following though about my instructors (and some supervisors) in the past....

"I just need to separate the information from the delivery"...  People can be great at their job as far as duties are concerned, but terrible at teaching/motivating others to understand.  People skills are almost as important as knowledge and expertise. 

Hi I enjoyed the program I learn a lot regarding soft skills with people and in the work place

I agree there is a definite overlap in people skills and workplace behavior, which makes sense. I am half way into the course,what stands out in this course is the self study evaluation form. I was wondering how everyone approached the evaluation /implementation  form? In terms of distributing the form. How many students and faculty would be appropriate to get a good indication? It seems that this kind of self study would have to be administered consistently over a number of academic semesters to be effective. 


Here's how I interpreted it:


Soft skills = people skills + workplace behaviors


People skills and workplace behaviors do overlap some, but I think "people skills" refers to interactions with others whereas "workplace behaviors" refers more to dependability, common sense, positive attitude, and other (non-technical) personal attributes in the workplace.  And I agree that many of these "workplace behaviors" affect "people skills" so the distinction is not always clear or even relevant.

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