Career Placement
Networking - Finding a job is a job
We also agree. Finding a job is a job. That's why we feel career and employment skills training should be ongoing and start at time of enrollment. Becoming job search ready takes time. In addition, self confidence that is required for successful interviewing takes a while to build. Feedback and practice are all necessary. Thanks, Susan
I am working on partnering with local businesses and I am looking for good stratgies.
I find its often difficult to meet with decision makers at employment sites. Our school is inthe health care field and directors etc. are very busy on the floor and often don't want to take the time to network when they are not currently hiring. Any suggestions how others get in front of the client even when they are not directly hiring without being a nusiance?
Networking is the key to building employer relations and giving them the confidence in your school and what your school produces. I have been working diligently on finding different types of ways to get our students the information they need to succeed and search for resources to better them in the indusries they are coming to school for. The degrees our school offers are very specialized and I will continue to focus on each industry ensuring I am staying on top of technology, networking events, changes in industry trends and keeping our students as up to date as possible. I am always open ot hearing more about networking events, and ways to grow our connections as a school. I also believe almuni are a big chuck of networking that needs to be more focused on as well. Alumni as sometimes the best people to come and speak about their experiences, achievements and keep us updated on industry changes.