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ED 105

I found this course to be a great review as well as informational. It helps to remind instructors where to focus their teaching. i just finished a term with a group of difficult students. They tended to be occupied with other course work, texting, playing video games on their iPads, or even watching movies rather than listen or participate in what I was teaching. I will use some of the suggestions in this course to get students on task for my next term.

Robbin Liskin

Michelle, have you used smart boards? Not only are they expensive and require tech support but, I fell in love with the idea after coming across them at a NSTA conference and really wanted one. Now I am working where they have them and no one uses them because it takes a long time to learn how to use them and they hiccup frequently. 

I think we should be using smart boards and technology more. I think students coming through these days are way advanced in technology and seeing something in real time or 3D would be much more stimulating than reading out of a text book.


I found the course to be benifical. I too have found students would rather be texting and play video games on their phones during class time. I will use some of the suggestion from this course to engage them. 

Agreed.  It was interesting to hear the different learning types expained so thuroughly.

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