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Improving Employment Outcomes and Community Integration for Veterans with Disabilities

Improving Employment Outcomes and Community Integration for Veterans with Disabilities

MDRC (formerly known as Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation) has published research that discusses the Early Implementation of the Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) for Veterans as an effective method for improving employment outcomes and community integration.  As most educators know, veterans have unique challenges for integrating into the community (college and civilian) and can struggle with their transition to civilian life and work.  Many of the obstacles are not only physical but emotional and psychological.  Veterans represent a student niche that must be better understood so that institutions can better serve them.  

Download the Report Here

The Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) is curriculum-based and taught to Veterans to help them overcome their barriers to integration and employment - many of which are psychological.  

From the research document:

"MDRC’s Accelerated Benefits (AB) Demonstration found that when delivered alongside medical case management and employment and benefits counseling, PGAP started to increase job search and job preparation activities within a year among individuals who receive SSDI. A follow-up analysis by the Social Security Administration found that beneficiaries who received PGAP and related counseling services sustained higher employment and income levels two years after the study began." 

With results like this, seems like this curriculum-based approach would fit nicely in a college setting for those who want to provide top-notch service for their veteran students.  

Any thoughts on the transferability of this program to the college environment?  What are the challenges, potential adjustments that might have to be made and the opportunities?


I think it would transfer nicely with safety nets. The safety nets would have to include training individuals on the college side on how to avert PTSD bursts and sucidial ideation. Professors have to be trained to address the whole person and not their specific area of expertise. I would love to be involved in this project.

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