Managing people has evolved from old approaches of "commanding and controling" to "developing and empowering." Over the years, managers have taken some responsibility for ensuring that their staff members maintain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform. Additionally, organizations have developed more expansive models of what development looks like. Compare the old versus new approaches below:
1. Focus on Poor Performers vs. High Performers
- Old Approach: Poor performers are the only staff members who need development
- New Approach: Every staff member within an organization should be developed with particular attention to high performers
2. Development as Responsibility of Human Resources Department vs. Managers' Responsibility
- Old Approach:Development is the responsibility of the human resources department
- New Approach:Every manager, no matter their functional area, is responsible for employee development
3. Career Development as a Predictable Corporate Ladder vs. New Challenges to Strengthen Abilities
- Old Approach:Career development focuses on moving capabe employees up a predictable corporate ladder
- New Approach:Career development focuses on moving employees through new challenges to strengthen their professional abilities
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