Dr. Laurie Hazard shares her practical advice on how to help students understand and avoid procrastination. What do you do to help students understand and avoid procrastination?
@slaster :
Reminding students of their career goals can sometimes help with the problem of procrastination. I always suggest they do their assignments as soon as posible after class. I also remind them of when things are do and the precentage points these things are assigned.
It is an attitude as well as a state of mind that needs to be conditioned with discipline and will. Teaching this to younger students is a daunting task.
Procrastination is one of those things that we all do. For me I always procrastination when I don't want to do something that I dislike. Over the years, I have found that, if you dig in and just do it, it elminates, stress and long nights of finishing the project or class. I have students do this all the time and I ask them "why"? I have given class time and oppurtunities to get a handle on this. I have an open door policy to help them at all times. Time management seems to be the key for students. Solutions to this, use there cell phones for reminders. They use them for eveything else, plus emails as reminds and texts. It works.
if we can only learn that procratination, only creates stress, I have learned that if you just dig in, it is not as bad as it seems, looking at the big picture