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I just finished ED 112 and enjoyed it thourghly!!  It had some great information in it, ideas that i haven't though of on raising adult learners sense of security and autonomy in class.  I'm going to try one idea of using quizzes to help the students study for their exams and "gently encourage" the chronically tardy students to come to class on time!  These educational courses are very helpful for a relatively new instructor such as myself.  Mindy smith

































Just finished ED107 and there was a few things that came up for the classes that to get students to appreciate the classw studies better is to change the colors in the class room. there is no way we will be able to do any of the things that was discussed in this Forum.

I had to struggle with the first and second mods.  Although this was the last it did the most for me ... at 75 it is believed you can't teach and old dog new tricks... I learned several suggestions the will help me correct some behaviors and challanges in my classes... thank you. 


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