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Director of Education

As an employee who has worked in the for-profit sector for the past 8 years, this was a great reminder and review of the imporatance of conducting ourselves with  the highest level of integrity.  we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that compliance is a signifcant part of our operations and if you have to question your actions, it is a good chance that your actions can and may have a negative impact on our students, future studnets and co-workers.

I agree whole-heartedly! It is very important for those of us working in the for-profit education sector to be as ethical as possible. The only way for the public perception of our industry to improve is for all of us to be ethical and compliant with all regulation.

I agree with you both.  These were things that I never really considered as part of my job. 

I agree it is always nice to be able to brush up on compliance because over time it is easy to slip into bad habits

After years in the business I am glad this is a required learning course. It is much needed for all. Thank you.

I agree with being able to refresh yourself up on compliance, does help in reminding you of things you have forgot over a period of time.

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