The course was interesting. A great deal of information was reviewed. Much of the information was informative and a bit overwhelming. I do now understand that there is a difference between evaluating and assessing a student. I do plan to incorporate some of the information into my courses. Thank you!
This course was somewhat informative - had some of it in college just recently. I will be incorporating the method of "Refocus" into my classess. Greart Ideas!
Course was informative in regards to refreshening my memory. We often get into routines and forget some of the basics.
Great refresher course.
Agreed, the course is a good refresher. It led me to give more thought to methods of communicating with students.
a very informative course, although it could have better addressed the distinction between formative and summative evaluation. In the instructional design world, formative evaluation is used to improve instruction, while summative evaluation is used to measure/improve [learner] performance.
That said, while a very good introductory course, I can see the value of a follow-on course that explores the differences and processes of formative evaluation and summative evaluation.
In the words of Robert Stake (Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign): "When the cook tastes the soup, that's formative; when the guests taste the soup, that's summative."
This course was both a possibility to acquire knowledge and a refresher on the things I knew