I have been dealing with Veterans who suffer from PTSD for many years already. I have already implemented most of what was in this training. However, I found the tips about keeping the isles clear in the class room to be useful. We deal with a wide mix of students. Many are fresh out of High School and some are older adults/vetrans. I have always allowed alot more latitude when dealing with Vets. I find it goes along way in showing them that I respect them as being reponsible adults. For instance, giving a student who suffers from PTSD the freedom to leave the class room when they are feeling stressed out with out giving them a hard time about it or giving them task that deomonstrate that I respect them as adults and view them as being capable of handling more responsability than my average student. I find these things go a long way in establishing sens of mututal respect. Over all I found this training to be helpful and informative.