How do I make a positive first impression with my students?
Dr. Sophia Alston View Profile
maria smisek
Dr. Alston, thank you for sharing how to make a first impression. I have always been comfortable making that connection in a face to face classroom, but realize how different a student may receive an instructor online. Positive, available and providing quick feedback are only a few of the great points you gave.
Dwiyana Hill McLean
Thank you Dr. Alston for your feedback. This is very helpful.
nember ekole
Thank you Dr Alston.Making students understand that you are there for them in the journey and personal story goes a long way.Thank you for the video.
Eric Henthorn
Thank you, Dr. Alston. I do many of the same things. : )
Tonya Levier
Thank you for this taking the time to submit your video. Your information confirmed the things I do in the classroom. Getting to know and set the tone before students get to the class helps the atmosphere when students meet the instructor in class.
Debra Kelly
I like all Dr. Alston had to say. I will incorporate many of these steps.
Jacqueline Ajaero
Thanks Dr. Alston.
Michael John
Thanks,Dr. Alston. Super points on everyting. I need to work on fast grade submission and feedback.
Yvette Prior
Thank you, Dr. Alston. I like the reminder to start off with personal warmth, building a rapport, and having expectations in place for the journey together. :) Y. P.
Kimberly White
Thank you, Dr. Alston, Your feedback on how you go about making a positive first impression was helpful and a good reinforcement to hear again.
William Myers
My introduction covers several areas. How or why I am qualified to teach the class. Personal background. Introduce my family. Fun stuff. That both my wife and I are actors. What we have done and where you can see it. I have produced an award winning documentary in the field of Psychology. Next, my military background.
Mary Jo Wentzel
"send introductory email about me." "clear about expectations." "Journey that is exciting that we are taking together." "Give grades quickly so they can adjust."
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