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It is important to use Bloom's taxonomy to relate cognitive concepts to affective concepts using hands-on learning.

Overall, this module was informative and will be useful in the classroom. 

It's funny because I have never thought so deeply about the art of asking questions. Is this topic more suitable for closed questions, or open ended ones? Great module.

There are many barriers that can affect the implementation of active learning such as general, practical, personal and professional. For instance general barriers can be a resistance to change. Practical barriers can be a result of limited class time. Personal can be instructors being scared to fail if the students do not like the active learning strategies. Finally, professional barriers are due to instructors worrying about how their students will view them (reputation), especially amongst students who prefer passive teaching methods.

Planning and preparing is key.

OSHA its the most importan tool to run a shop 

Active learning differs from passive learning as it moves away from lecture based teaching. Instead students take an active role in their learning such as participating in case scenarios, role play or other class discussions. These help students remain engaged, collaborate, participate and apply what they learn and therefore can apply the theory learned into practical situations. 

I learned that there are lots of good ways to handle students that act up and that are shy. Also to prepare for class and research the topic that you are teaching to make it easier for you to ask questions and know what you are talking about, just incase they ask you questions

It is essential to use both subjective and objective assessment methods to ensure the student's understanding of the content. These assessment methods contain different types of questions to ask. 

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