I am seeing that new technology tools not only integrate environments through a varoety of access and interaction possibilities, but they also are expanding teh development integrated and thinking skills - not only for students but also for faculty. As increasing number of social and learning enviornments interface, faculty as well as students are epxected to "publish" to these environments. Therefore, thinking drives these enviornments which, in turn, provide wonderful opportunities for applied and critcal thinking to increase. Also, editing, summarizing, and analyzing are all skills that are requied to keep posts and contributions focused and efficient. These are all… >>>
I teach computer classes, and we don't have enough room, or enough spare parts to take apart and put together computers, networks, or the equipment that goes with them. To get the concepts accross, I use simulation software. testout.com provides the necessary video instruction on topics and simulations on every topic they cover. This includes training for A+, Net+, Security+, CCNA, and more. They also cover many Microsoft Certs. The students love it, and we don't have to try to keep a large inventory of components for students to use. I have sample patch panels, and lengths of Cat5 cable… >>>
one of the main problems with wikis is unverified information. just about anyone may edit information on, say, wikipedia without having that information vetted.
@anncarolynhill : Great points! Yes, I agree that the medical sites are much used and that they are more complex than WikiPedia - that is a good example of exploring new information which is used a lot by students.
I would also say that while the distribution of technology is not equal, the affect of new technology is so ubiquitous in our society that most students have already been influenced by new ways of accessing information and the immedicacy of input and output....such as your medical site example.
So, developing tools to help with that desire to explore and find as… >>>
Many of my students have no access to computers and sadly, some do not know how to use a computer.
However, they use the computers at the school with internet access that are developed by organizations
such as drugs.com, rxlist, etc. also school access to a library service from the school.
MedMD is far beyond WikiPedia for medical information.
So many instructors become frustrated with students' uses of WikiPedia in papers etc. The truth is, any academic or professional Wiki is an information source and should be recognized as such. So, how can we help students recognize the differences in courses...? I have used the following research "tiered" outline for students in various projects:
LEVEL 1 - General Information (this includes Wikis)
LEVEL 2 - Critical Comparisons
LEVEL 3 - Applied Ideas
Provide students with pre-identified examples of each and then methods to synthesize information into ideas and concepts and then action steps to apply those concepts to the… >>>
I would like to get some fresh ideas to help my instructors improve their classroom management skills.
I use to view the computer as this giant Abyss, now I see it as this unlimited wealth of information. Learning to navigate it has been a challenge for me. Interaction just puts me in awe. "The world wide web" title sure seems appropriate.
I agree. Open ended questions as well as group discussion and then elaboration among the classmates.
It brings about a healthy debate, which enhances learning - peers learn best from peers.
I also encourage students to use their electronic devices to prove their points. Getting away from the textbooks sometimes enhances their desire to learn. (we live in an electronic world now)
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I think that Wikipedia is excellent in terms of general information and the reference list. Because it is not necessarily properly vetted I do not think it should be used in an academic paper.