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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Games help the student to enjoy learning!

Games encourage us to engage with each other (virtual or face / face) and learn concepts in a fun way!  

Online resources are available for almost every subject matter.

For Healthcare Classes... there are Flash Card Design, Scrabble, Hang Man, etc.  

We just need to put in the effort to engage and have fun along with the student in a new way to educate and learn!

Here is a good website:


Best Practice

I use the simulation in my business classes and it has been an excellent learning tool for students. Requires time and dedication but works. I recommend it

Meeting student needs!!

Based on my experience as an online instructor I find that building effective communication and establishing a good rapport with my students’ are critical to their success as online learners. The more comfortable students feel, the better they will contribute and engage in class.

Social Networking and Math

Hi all,


I teach math and critical thinking and have never considered using social networking in my classes. Does anyone have experience in this area? If so, what have you tried and how did it work?


How many have tried the web based interaction with student to give that human touch and see a positive response and improved retention outcomes?

Versus sticking to the chat, discussion post, emails, etc .. for relationship building

Best way to get online student s attention and keep them engaged

Nowadays, the utmost requirement is to keep the student engaged and motovaetd as well. Since life can be very lonely online, teacher interaction with constant motivation would actually be very helpful for the student, sometimes more than in the actual class room for certain students.


I like the fact that the Instructors self-analysis is just as important as the student's.


Etta Rahming

Will we soon submit verbal Social Media responses in online classes?

I believe that time will tell if students are learning from our online Discussion topics.  I believe that moving to an established Social Media tool like Facebook for discussions is out of policy for most schools, so we will continue with the 'in-house' secure discussions for years to come.   

What I am wondering is, once everyone becomes familiar with the online WRITTEN discussions, will we see more of the VERBAL video discussions?  It does seem that our students need to gain more skill & knowledge of how to present themselves with VERBAL communication.   However, a video & photograph of oneself online is a step beyond privacy.

Do you think we will see more VERBAL video discussions in our online classrooms?

Synchronized technique

I find it very difficult to engage students to attend to live sessions be it with chats or video conference.  Any help?

Self Advocacy

I find this (self advocacy) to be one of the greatest challenges with online learners. One would think because of the anonymity of online there would be less fear in reaching out. However, I have not found this to be the case. In order to get students to reach out and ask when they have questions and concerns, I have found that by sharing a personal experience with them directly (by phone) to be the greatest way eliminate this barrier. Letting them know that their questions are expected and appreciated, most importantly, early and often, will help them to be more successful in their class. I always explain, if you do not communicate, how can we help you? Communication is key to your success in school, just as it is when working as a professional in your chosen career.

Social Media in the class room

This concept is new to me and though some may think this is a great idea.  I, myself do not think that it is necessarily a good idea.  I think using it would be a distraction to the information that teaching professionals are trying to get out.  What do you think?


Establish a relationship which meets the students needs.

On line courses takes dedication and self direction, many people engage in an online course with little to know realistic outcomes.  We all need to make sure that we support the young and the seniors who are now enrolled with the learning process.  What we take for granted in everyday online courses may not be the "norm" for our students.  Support and non judgemental processes as well as patiences with the student is crucial to their success.

I like using google voice

I recommend using google voice because it allows you to text with your students and for them to call you on your cell phone without giving out your cell phone number.  It's a great app to use in fostering positive relationships with your students.

Online versus Traditional Education

The one thing that I don't like about online education is the solitary nature of it.  I have always enjoyed making friends in a class and becoming study buddies with them throughout a course.

capitalize the I

Anyone heard of a saying to make students realize they should capitalize the letter i used as a proper noun nstead of i?


Teaching ONline

How do you all handle students who just won't engage?

Social Media Eductaion

Should we as Instructors have a social page to keep ourselves aware of what we are teaching, or just read about them and teachthe basics?


Developing Instruction for Online Classes

As an instructor takes inventory of his/her readiness to teach an online coure I believe taking an online course will benefit the instructor better than anything.  We all grew up within a real classroom and we were all able to spend time with an instructor/professor standing in front of us and presenting material for us to learn.  Online instruction is very different so unless you have had the experience of being in an online class you cannot relate to a student in an onine environment.  You are able to offer more insight and suggestions on how you can assist students when they are in need of engagement and motivation. 

Technology tool

The EL105 course was very beneficial. Matching technology tools is essential in online learning.

Using Blackboard Collaborate to Engage Online Learners

I have found that using blackboard collaborate in my courses has been a great way to engage online learners. I have used collaborate in the past for synchonous activity especially group work. The students really enjoy hearing other students voices. I always use my webcam so the students can see me, and they appreciate it. It's a great opportunity for students to engage with each other. Has anyone else ever used collaborate in their courses to engage online learners?

Dr. Lewis