My experience as a professor has not so much been inappropriate communication between students; however, I've had a few incidents of inappropriate student to instructor communication. For the most part, the students were upset regarding the grades that the students earned (emphasis on "earned") for any given assignment. One student was referred to student services due to a record of belligerent communication with various professors. However, another student, over the course of the semester, became increasingly aggressive to the point of belligerent communication once this student noticed that I grade work rather than effort. I actually ignored the student's communication because I clearly could not communicate to the point of resolution due to the student's mindset. Once the student realized that I do not tolerate this type of behavior, the student relented and I was able to sternly yet constructively communicate to the student why the grades were such. Needless to say, this resolved the issue, and we were able to move through the remainder of the class without incident. I am sure this does not work in every instance, but we must be open to different approaches. Time, touch, and tone is vital.