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CTE courses give new teachers what they need to be successful.


I would love to do more of this but at this time we do not have time in our curriculum.


It is essential that a clear alignment exist between CTE and career pathways.


All CTE instructors need to be aware and implement global awarness etc. into their learning.

Outside help

i have trouble getting enough outside resources ( people ) to help make this system work effestively any suggestions?


Students tend to shy away or be resistant to working in groups. This is due to the projects they are getting which seems like a bunch of busy work. CTE/STEM teaching real world application, inquiry and problem solving, as well as boosting cooperation, listening and research skills. 


Our CTE is important because they are areas that guide students and help them nurture their abilities and skills in an encouraging environment. This impacts them by helping them gain employment and become ready for the world around us. Teachers of these CTE apply critical thinking questions to their students to mold them to become problem solvers and be able to find solutions to current problems. This is why education is so important today because as students grow and become invested as engineers they are tasked to be working on to improve things and make the world a better place.


The children of today is our future. A lesson is learned when we pass it on to someone else. That is why as engineers, and to anyone else who wish to make a change for others or themselves, that we take these lessons and teachings to heart. It is important to assess and solve the problems we face today so that the future will go on to solve bigger and better things without being held back from the past. In other words, we should not allow ourselves to dismiss the problems of today so that our children of today will solve them. What we do today is their future. It is important that we work together to overcome global issues. 


There many difficult tasks we all face every day and many have been eased with the work of engineers. As an engineer, it is our goal and mission to solve the world's issue and further advance human society. The recent news of Covid-19 maybe a new topic we could discuss to find solutions for doctors and nurses. Us too who are in a shelter and place order to cope with isolation and freedom to explore outside in the city.


CTE courses are of importance and I believe pertinent to all students as they provide the academic and employability skills necessary that'll help them achieve success in the workplace far more than those without CTE classes. The lessons they learn will help them obtain the career they wish to have and help identify a suitable course of study that aligns with their passion. One must not forget that the ones that'll inherit the world will be the next generation, and thus must be provided with the lessons that'll not only educate them, but be engaging, stimulate them and instill a resolve that drives them to succeed and, most importantly, give to the community and improve the world as a whole.


CTE courses helps introduce us to a new type of environment in order to get us ready for the real world. The CTE courses are basically like a foundation giving us an understanding of the basics. Not only do they teach us basics in that CTE field, but they also help us with our employability and preparing for presentation/job interviews. The point in CTE course are to help make connections to what is happening to us locally in the program, school, and community.


STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) courses offered to the students will benefit them in the future by providing them with employability skills that are very necessary to be successful in the work field. Having ethics is important through society because ethics represents the basic principles which make things run smooth. Even if kids dont understand that STEM classes prepare them for the future it is clear that the challenges thrown at them will get them ready for the real world and the challenges that come with it. 

CTE Course

CTE courses are so important because they give students the academic, employability skills needed for workplace success. In addition, CTE classes give students the ability to learn the skills in order to help gain and maintain a job in the near future.  CTE courses provide the type of education that will help students prepare for the future. In fact, college-bound students can get job experiences to help them define their career plans, identify an appropriate course of study and help pay for tuition.


CTE courses and programs is important to have and be rigorous, competitive, motivating, engaging, relevant and authentic but it also should have teamwork, cooperation, sometimes be exciting. Teahcers have to ask themselves how will it make the student's mind work and will they be able to connect this lesson. They also have to get creative and make sure that their assignments are intriguing for the students, but also in the CTE path. One good example would to assign a group project for kids to create a robot that uses AI to follow a path. It is engaging with a broad amount of things to do for them the kids to break up responsibility very well. 


In a time like this in the world, I believe STEM ( Science Technology Engineering and Math) is very crucial to be encouraged and understood by the youth of the new generations. From climate change to coronavirus there is always something us students and and the engineers ahead of us to be working on to improve and make the condition of the world we live in better for everyone. If we take this to the roots we understand that education is important and how we educate is also a factor. 


CTE courses and programs is important to have and be rigorous, competitive, motivating, engaging, relevant and authentic but it also should have teamwork, cooperation, sometimes be exciting. It is important to connect local issues to STEM courses, since it will help draw connections to global issues. You should start small and then later you can incorporate global issues by using an already existing project and add a global aspect to it or create a new project entirely that helps solve these issues. 


I believe what the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) and CTE (Career and Technical Education) teachers or professors teach the students is very important because what they tech is what they will get in the future because the students and myself will build the new world. So, if we had a good teacher or taught very well, we may bring good things to the world or if we had a bad teacher we may never even build anything or never be someone in the future.  

Reflection: Engineering Impact

Through CTE and as future engineers we should become conscious of the power and outlet we have to create an impact on our environment. Engineers are given the task of researching issues and create a solution therefore teaching should surround the ongoing environmental issues we are experiencing both at a local and global level. Humans have engineered the environment to fit their needs but it is time to make a change and transition to a mutualistic relationship where we engineer for the benefit of both the environment and human society. Engineering is a very broad field that easily allows for most engineers to find a place in which they can generate change for instance, mechanical engineers working in clean and renewable energy, chemical engineers creating sustainable products and environmental engineers finding historically different waste for waste management. In remembering our code of ethics we must assume the problems that arise from ignoring  environmental damage occurring, therefore, we must acknowledge the change we can make as the future pool of engineers through our education in relevant issues. 

When is it acceptable to put down engineering morals?

We previously have talked about engineering ethics and morals but in what situation would you deem it acceptable to disregard those given morals? 


When teachers have to plan their lessons to apply with the CTE, they have to ask themselves questions. For example, they have to ask themselves how will it make the student's mind work and will they be able to connect this lesson with the list of 17 items that could use help. They also have to get creative and make sure that their assignments are intriguing for the students, but also in the CTE path. One example of what I would do would be a survival plan. It would get the students thinking about who they want to be trapped with, what they can create to survive. Then, they can implement those same survival skills and improve them. Like water purification or food rationing.