As a career and technical education (CTE) administrator, you’re responsible for the successful operation of CTE programs. This group is for CTE administrators who aspire to discuss and master the competencies necessary for exemplary leadership performance. Group members share best practices, ideas, thoughts, reflections, and resources to support our teachers and staff with the ultimate goal of enhancing outcomes for our students, institutions, and communities.
Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Alternative Teacher Assessment --> CTE-Specific Teacher Evaluation Process
Take a few minutes to post your response and learn more from your peers.
Alternative Teacher Assessment --> National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Alternative Teacher Assessment --> Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching
Alternative Teacher Assessment --> Instructional Framework Meaning
How can the instructional practices in CTE programs help develop an overall school career-readiness culture?
As a leader, what new skills do you need to reshape school culture?
What are the characteristics of school culture (artifacts, conversations, or procedures) in your school that are counter to a career readiness culture?
What areas in your school need improvement related to developing student career readiness?
How would you describe a strong and active CTE community engagement in your community?
What types of individuals or organizations should you reach out to for enhancing your community efforts?
What are some ways your current CTE advisory committees could be enhanced to better serve your school programs?
What are some current school programs or potential school activities that could be enhanced with greater community engagement?
How does one most effectively advocate and market CTE locally, when there are limited resources and time? There is a dire need to inform our community about the value and effectiveness of CTE.
Make walkthorughs of your shops and lab areas a regular part of your work. Observing students in the shop environment can shed light on safety protocols that might be lacking or not fully implemented. CHecking the shop areas when they are empty at the end of the day can also provide you with important insights into how the shop is maintained and if there are any safety concerns that need to be addressed.
Do you think it is important for educators to understand the management standards covered in this module? How, if at all, do you think the need to follow these federal requirements affect what goes on inside classrooms?
How do you think the cost principles you learned about this module affect the kinds of activities entities might support with Perkins funds?
Do you think the spending rules you learned about this module support or hinder Perkins’ goal of more fully developing the academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondary and post-secondary students who enroll in CTE programs? Why?
Did it surprise you to learn how many different rules apply to the Perkins program? How do you think the challenges of navigating multiple sets of rules might affect program implementation?
CTE Advocacy: Policymakers and the Press --> Interview Strategies
CTE Advocacy: Policymakers and the Press --> Media Outreach and Promotion
Career Ed Lounge is embedded in over eighty professional development portals serving the career and technical education community. Performance Groups in the Lounge are integrated with related learning opportunities offered on these portals. With a few exceptions, Performance Groups are also publicly available to any member of the Lounge to maximize peer-to-peer learning and performance outcomes.