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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

How To Change An Old Dog

How do I change our most seasoned faculty member (10 years at the institution) to explore other methods of teaching, participating, leading, ANYTHING?

Managing Stress

Managing stress can be very different to individuals, its imperative that we all identify our triggers.  In the event that an individual is pushed to much, you may find that it pushes them over the edge and that person has had enough.  Typically they may shot down and not be open to feedback or constructive criticism.  As a Director, I have to be aware of my reps stressful moments, we may take a walk and talk or go to a private room, I allow them to scream and yell if needed to get the frustrations of their chest.  Some may need to leave for the day but I am understanding to their needs.  We are all human and have so much pressure, as leaders we must be aware of each persons situation.

ML 135 Time Management

I found this course very helpful bringing to my attention the importance of setting up daily task. The catagorizing system A,  B, C method was one Ihave not seen before. I am excited about implementing these tips into my daily routine.

The Fine Lines of Management

I was wondering if anyone out there can give me an example of being too bossy as opposed to "catering" to your crew you have to manage and being too "friendly" with them. I know a place I used to work at that always criticized management and tried to decipher that fine line, but nobody seemed to have a direct answer as to where or what that line was. In fact, the theory was hypocritical of the practice from what I learned through real-world scenarios. 

Project Management

I have just completed the online course in Project Management via CEE and currently teach a section of project management tailored to students in our merchandising program at our International Academy of Design & Technology here in Tampa, FL. I am interested in beginning a discussion about software options and PPM certification via The Lounge.


ML-136- great focus- Taking daily steps to achieve goals and productivity to achieve life balance. I have to say this section was helpful and had useful tips to help minimize stress.



I learned how important it is not to take things personal with co workers and how to communicate with exceptional results


Use of notes during presentation

There are several ways to keep notes during presentation. What i prefer is a small card with headings only so it can keep me on tract.


Is there any other suggestions?

Effective Presentation

 Why should Presentation be broken down into certian  step  as long as you get the information over?

A quick self-assessment

If you’ve just completed a training course, please consider responding to the three self-assessment questions below. Your responses will help you and other participants to get a head start on the transfer of training process.

  1. What have you learned? Write a brief summary of what you’ve learned.

  2. How can you apply it? List one or two ways in which you can apply what you’ve learned in your professional practice.

  3. What support do you need? Identify any support or additional information that you may need to apply what you’ve learned.