Yvette Jimmerson

Yvette Jimmerson

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This is simply one of the best ideas, thus far! However, the cost to implement an AR setting would be out of range for most educational institutions at this time. In the future, I would definitely love to see AR incorporated into the virtual classroom setting to provide opportunities to simulate.

Dr. Yvette Artis


Great information. I teach health care courses so it would be very useful to for students to see how the various departments and systems interface with each other. For example, a VR experience that includes the various types of departments that exist along with the types of systems used would be helpful using this method.


This topic provided some great information on the use of the various realities. This information could be used to take curriculum to a new level in education in terms of engaging students. 

Dr. Yvette Artis


Virtual Internships provide the opportunity to allow flexibility in the workplace. It decreases the overhead associated with building space and creates an environment that promotes work, family, and life balance.

Dr. Artis


The information was very interesting and much needed. I learned to use some of the key words to identify VI scamming jobs. This is so prominent in our workforce and the information was a reminder to be aware of the opportunity for scammers to invade our work space.

Dr. Yvette Artis


I learned some techniques on how to engage learners and the importance of motivating them in the course. I will use content to ensure that students are focused on learning the material by chunking into smaller portions. 


Discussion Comment

Hello Shenita:

I agree. Students have different learning styles and thus benefit from the use of different tools. Some students may prefer to listen to videos why others appreciate images that assist with getting the point across. 

Yvette Artis

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