Aimee Sirmon

Aimee Sirmon

About me

I've worked in the higher education space for over 10 years, and what a privilege it is to see firsthand the dedication of career college personnel like you. I focus on fitting solutions to the development needs of schools in our sector--and I enjoy each day!

Truly yours,

Aimee Sirmon


Maryse Levy, Vice President of Education and Career Services with Education Affiliates, discusses how staffing affects educational outcomes, and provides hiring, on-boarding, evaluation and ongoing development perspectives and strategies.

Dr. Jean Norris, Managing Partner of Norton Norris, Inc. discusses ethics in admissions and the effects on our sector.

Jay Hollowell, VP and Training Manager of MaxKnowledge discusses both challenges and best practices related to the increased competition for fewer jobs.

Jay Hollowell, VP and Training Manager of MaxKnowledge discusses important trends in career services influenced by the nature of our programs and by the current environment of the employment community.

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