If a student discloses that they have a disability during the Admissions process, you should not interject your own opions/experiences into the conversation. You can talk about the required coursework and what is involved, and then let the student decide if they should further pursue an education in that specific field. It is always best to get the student in contact with the appropriate person(s) on campus who can best evaluate their request for accommodation as it relates to the individual.
This section reminded me to inquire about any necessary accommodations prior to holding a campus event. Although students may not need access, their family members might.
Universal Deisgn affects so many aspects of our lives that most of us don't even think about the conveniences it offers -- that street curb, that door handle, that lowered desk space, wide door frames, etc. Taking the time to make every day tasks easier for those with physical and learning disabilities, as well as those without these issues, can make life much easier for everyone.
This section was a great reminder that not all disabilities are obvious. Even if students have similar disabilities, they may function in very different ways. We need to look past the "label" and evaluate students on an individual basis, since their past experiences and personal capabilites may cause them to need very different accommodations to function in a campus environment.
I learned that all educational institutions are required to provide reasonable access to accommodations for someone with a disability in a timely manner. However, it is the disabled person(s) responsibility to provide the necessary documentation/information to the proper contacts at that institution, so the institution has reasonable time to evaluate the request for accommodation and meet the needs for equal access.
It was interesting to learn about the various other government Acts that protect various information, and sometimes even supercede the FERPA.
Students may appeal a decision or record in their file. If the appeal is lost, the school's record stands as is. However, the student has the right to add a note/statement as to why they feel the record is inaccurate. The student's statment must be included each time the record is released.
I learned that protecting student's personal information is extremely important. if certain aspects of a student's educational record are to be released, the school needs to either have the student's written consent or the request for information must meet one of the exceptions as outlined under FERPA laws.
Release of information must be documented in the student's file to include Who the information was released to, exactly WHAT was released (a photocopy of the document should suffice), the date WHEN the information was release, WHERE it was release, and WHY it was released.
I learned that personal notes on a student that are in my sole possession are not considered part of the student's academic record. However, if these notes are shared with/transferred to another school official/representative, that information is no longer consided to be "sole possession" and then becomes part of their academic record. At this point, the student has the right to read or review them. The school has 45 days to provide access to any student who requests to view to their academic records.
I also learned that alumni records are not protected under FERPA.
Title IX was inacted to prohibit discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities at federally funded schools at all levels and in all aspects of an instutition's educational programs and activities. All students, employees, applicants, and others at postsecondary institutions are protected under Title IX regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, or national origin. Responsible employees must report any known information to the Title IX Coordinator; they cannot hold information in confidence if requested to do so.
VAWA also requires institutions to report any instances of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and… >>>
FERPA protects a student's personally identifyable informtion and cannot be released without specific written consent from that student. Not all employees have access to all parts of a student's records. Persons from outside the company may also have a legitimate interest in specific file information based on certain assignments. To avoid issues, it is best to refer any requests for information to the company's designated FERPA compliance personnel for a decision about dissimination.
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