Joyce Hladky

Joyce Hladky

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I have learned the difference in the assessments and when to determine which assessment to apply.

It is important to carefully research, test and determine which assessment tools are the best fit for the class and its content to provide a positive learning experience for the student and to ensure fair assessment of all assignments.

To pay close attention to the type of rubric created and to ensure that it meets the evaluative standards in the class.  There are different types of rubrics and it is important to select the best type for the class and the learning content.


Leaerning about metarubrics.

There are resources and online resources to help you build your rubrics.

How to recognize rubric mistakes to avoid

I believe rubric are necessary to providing feedback that students require to enhance their learning, but also instructors need to carefully plan and determine the best criteria to be used for their rubrics.

This was a very thorough and a very necessary training. I plan to fully apply what I learned in FERPA training by applying fully practicing student confidentiality in all of my interactions with my students and in all of my interactions.  I am very glad that I benefited from this important training.

This section heightened my awareness of others laws that may or may not affect FERPA, such as HIPAA, the Solomon Amendment, the U.S. Patriot Act, the Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act and SEVIS.  It, again, drives home to me the importance of comprehensive training and regular training updates so employees are fully aware of all of the components of FERPA.

There are so man y facets to FERPA that I believe employee training and oversight is essential.  Providing extensive training for newly hired employees and providing updated training sessions on a regular basis, I believe is a critical element to the success of following and correctly implementing FERPA.

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