Brigitte Hartley

Brigitte Hartley

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Good review on teaching ti various learning styles

I am glad we have so much for our diabled students.


  Communication on all parties id very imortant for our students success. It has been beneficial to find technology that simulates face to face interaction. Being able to communicate with students in various platforms that helps to target their specific way of learning, makes there growth exponential.

It has been beneficial to find technology that simulates face to face interaction. Being able to communicate with students in various platforms that helps to target their specific way of learning, makes there growth exponential. Also, cumminication on all parties is very important to help our students success.

Very educational, will try both Intrinsic And extrinsic motivators.

Always open to different learning stradagies and encouraging differnt techniques to help retain learning.

I enjoyed learning about each generation and what they have in common. 


Technology is the present and future of out students.  Very interesting on the different generations.


this info informed me of all the different generations and how they learn.


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