Amber Boetger

Amber Boetger

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I learned how collaborative learning correlates with individual communication in valuable ways. I was interested in how the chart directly demonstrated what collaborative projects enhanced individual communication skills.

I learned that while Gen Z students may have exposure to the internet and social media, that does not equate to having the skills to navigate the online classroom. A professor should not assume that Gen Z students do not need help with any of the online components of a class.

I have learned that there are 3 broad categories of communication: content-related communication, process-related communication, and feedback. I realized that I have not engaged as much in process-related communication in my online classes.

I have learned that tools outside of the standard methods (email, canvas, blackboard) can be used to interact with students. I realized that social media can, in some instances, be used to enhance classroom learning, especially if the class is smaller sized

I learned that a way one might identify a student who is a procrastinator is by paying attention to their online presence. Students with excessive technical difficulties may be using these as excuses to gain additional time to complete their work.

I was surprised to learn that the asynchronous model is considered more effective than the synchronous model in online learning. The asynchronous model allows students the opportunity to be involved in higher levels of critical thinking and ensures that they are more directly engaging with the course material.

I learned how instructors can project an online authority and presence through various postings about themselves and their expectations.

I learned that an instructor must ensure all components of the CMS are working to avoid student frustration. Since I have taught predominantly in person, I did not consider the importance of double checking the access to and proper functioning of learning modules.

Generally speaking, adult learners have an attention span of approximately 15-18 minutes. Therefore, lectures should be composed in such a way as to allow for breaks and variations in teaching style.

I learned various strategies to help recall student names. I found the picture method to be especially useful as I generally remember faces and not names.

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