Charles Aiken Jr

Charles Aiken Jr

About me


No matter how we approach a student, it must be with the intent on helping them to succeed. We have to show caring and that we are not perfect, understanding and a willingness to find a solution to thier current situation. If not, then we need to know what we can and can not do or where they need to go and who to see for help.
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It is amazing how we always seem to wonder the what if I had done this or that and I wonder what they would have done if I had. I know for me it is very upsetting to find myself in that situation. I try to find the help or person to which can best help the student out or I will ask someone what I can do or should do.
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During the past few years it has been a learning curve for me on how to interven with students and thier problems. I wished I had some type of class on how to get through to students with problems, it would have been very usefull as a guide. I know each student is differant and so are thier problems as well as dealing with them and who to send them to if it is beyound the scope in which I can able to help them with thier problem.
Understanding how we can help a student with thier problems, shows them that we care and some time they open up with thier problems and we can reach them. It gives us a way to show we care and a chance to help or find ways to help them with thier problems so they can get back to learning and making it through school with out loosing them to a problem that was not as big as they made it out to be.
Some how we have to get the student pass the stress level so that retention is not a problem I have seen that when I show the student that respect works both ways I have a better retention and we both benifet from the class as a whole. But it must be both, not just the instructor or not just the student with that comes respect for the class and it's training aids.
In some cases it hard to feel sorry for the students when they don't seem to care weather they pass of fail the class that they are taking and even more so it seem that they exspect us to pass them regaurdless. I wonder if our high schools are setting some of these students up for failer or can they even see how much they effect them for thier future.
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I have taken the time over the last few days to watch some of my co workers preping for the class, I can see so many different ways that they bring themselfs into the class with how they are preparing for the day, for some it is a way to build themselves up and for others they go through the subject matter to make sure that they cover all the key points and to refresh the infomation in their minds. But no matter which way you plan you day you still have to bring your students into play so that… >>>

I have asked students at the end of the second day of what they thought about the first day of class. I was surprised when a few of the students said that most Instructors come on "like the all mighty masters" and the students need to do what they say or else. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same feed back from their students and what did they think about this statement?

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