Catherine Myerholtz

Catherine Myerholtz

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Although self-directed learning may be a trait of some adult learners, my current experience is that many students acknowledge not reading the assigned required reading before class and have an expectation that the instructor should tell them what they need to know. This is very disheartening and frustrating especially when the students are pursuing becoming a professional nurse and potentially caring for members of the public who still have a lot of respect for the nursing profession. In addition, one must wonder if they will adopt and endorse the principle of life long learning to pursue and implement evidence based… >>>

Am currently not assigned advisees since they enroll in a designated career path; hence, am not involved with recommending sequence of scheduling courses since curriculum plan is already determined. Also, institution has limited other career tracks for a student to pursue if the program they are pursuing does not mesh for them personally.
It is imperative to be genuine and sincere when listening to a student's concerns and engage in eye contact 80% of the time during the interaction.
Respect is essential with interpersonal interactions regardless of being a business or educational situation.
Student satisfaction is influential by in recruiting prospective applicants as well as meeting and exceeding students' expectations which affects retention of consumers.
Variety is the spice of life and just like snow flakes no two students learning styles or needs are alike so imperative to be flexible in providing different strokes to appeal to and engage learners with their diverse knowledge, skills, and abilities to promote both academic and clinical success.
Implemented using an ice breaker with a few prompts for students to interact after counting off and turning their chairs so they could interact with their peers who were seated directly behind them. Students were informed they would be introducing their peer and sharing their responses of things they had in common such as children, pets, or if they worked in addition to attending school. It was non-stressful and a fun way to learn about the students the first day of class.

Syllabus utilized is a prescribed generic format which contains information that is not relevant or applicable to students in the course I have been assigned to teach, i.e. it references requirements for another discipline/field of study with regard to attendance and meeting program requirements. Also, it is very challenging in an "accelerated" nursing program to abbreviate content for required reading assignments and limit focus to a single concept instead of what I have been accustomed to doing at other postsecondary institutions which usually included discussing common ailments within a content area such as the accessory organs of the GI tract… >>>

Reinforcing life long learning and need for change to keep up with technology and innovative delivery methods to present content.
Interesting and informative FERPA information.

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