Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

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Communication can be difficult for some, so I try and make it more of an activity than a "lesson". For instance, teaching the NEC book, I try and get students to not only come up with the answer to a code question, but then tell me in a PM so that others don't see the answer. Then I encourage the students to discuss how the found it, give small hints, and just generally improve everyones understanding of the material.

The only real issues I have had with online communication is the motivation to interact. The students I typically have (IT students) enjoy the isolation and prefer to work alone. Getting them to interact with discussions and group projects has helped in this. I like the use of Packet Tracer and creating a multi-networked group project or using Visual Studio and having them create different modules and discussing how to get them to work together. The same can be done for any group project and what is nice is that the LMS allows for grading individually or as a group.

In online communications it is made clear early on that any form of harassment will not be tolerated. I have also given them a clear set of guidelines that they must not only post, but also respond to 2 others for their discussions to count as completed. And they must be meaningful and not just "Yep, I agree" type of responses.

With the online courses, students need to understand that there are boundaries. I had students upset that because they posted a question at midnight or even 10pm that I didn't respond immediately. I have been clearly stating my "Office Hours" from the beginning of every term so that students know that I will answer in those times and, if I happen to get on and check messages later in the evening, I will respond then as well. They sometimes seem to feel that just because they're on, we should be here waiting for them like an AI bot.

I see how in a lot of these modules it mentions that courses/instruction/lessons should be short. I get that. I see how in some instances that there might just be a need for guiding to the next task with some explanation. However, there are many times where I found that this just isn't enough time. I think that the material and student need should dictate the time spent, not an arbitrary number.

Actually, I think this is exceptionally difficult for those just coming out of school where they are used to being taught to the test a lot of the time. They have a difficult time in taking that next step to say that I am in charge of what I learn and I am not going to be given a review sheet with every answer to a test on it. I kmnow this beacuse I have been asked for them MANY times. When you let them know that it is their job to take notes, do the work, and submit it… >>>

I think that each has a benefit and this is why I clearly set my office hours. See, the synchronous learning is when we hold classes and are able to discuss and interact as a group. The discussions allow for students to interact as they are able to. Then I also allow for scheduled sessions of synchronous learning with students if they need extra assistance on a topic (indivudally or in groups depending on need and availability).

We should be open to multiple technologies. As the need is arising, companies are improving their products, but I have YET to find one that fits everything. I need one to share multiple screens, allow for video sharing of youtube or other videos with sound, and allow for remote control/demonstration as necessary. 

Student feedback, experience, and instructor discussions have led us at our school to recommend multiple changes to courses where material was not necessary, outdated, or just needed adjustment in the order of presentation. It should never be stagnant and instruction/material/courses should be changed often.

I think that assessment plans need to be consistent! I have had instructors who had different standards than others. And this was in relation to safety concerns. Students were not being assessed on their use of safety related practices and we told that they could just do it next term. It is a source of contention...

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