Deborah Donaldson Simmons

Deborah Donaldson Simmons

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Comment on Jeanette Roach's post: Many students with learning disabilities need additional support. It is a good idea to identify what their needs are so that they can have the support they need to be successful. Allowing students with learning disabilities to have extra time on test could be beneficial.

Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post: It would be best to identify early on what students are able to comprehend so that an instructor can identify how to best support the student. Incorporating a few new vocabulary words at a time along with examples will be a good way to introduce students to new terms.

Comment on Francisco Gonzalez's post: Placing students in groups helps them learn how to work on group projects that is an essential skill in the workplace. This makes each individual student responsible for their portion of the assignment and creates accountability. Students can actively learn from each other and develop their strengths.

Comment on Jeanette Roach's post: I have taught lecture once, but mostly teach clinical rotations. However, the information in this course is helpful. Walking around instead of standing in one place is a good idea. I do not fidget with any items, but could probably work on video recording lectures for identifying improvements in delivery style.

Comment on Candace Boehmke's post: I agree that policies regarding making up work should be clear and explained to the class at the beginning of the term. The policy should be clear to anyone and it would be a good idea to have students sign off on it that they understand it.

Comment on Adrianna Olch's post: It is important to take charge of the class and also remember that the students are adult learners. I feel the best approach to gain control of the class is to redirect them to the assignment or activity. 

Comment on Shelley Freshman's post: When students are using their electronic devices in class if makes it seem as if their not paying attention to instruction. I often say that I can't get started until I have your full attention. It is a good stadegy to use when you ask the most inattentive students what they learned or to summarize the discussion. Now they will know they need to pay attention.

Comment on Shelley Freshman's post: I also use this method as an ice breaker. I go around the class and have everyone introduce themselves and give a little information about what they work and why they are back in school. I also introduce myself and provie some background information on my professional career.

Comment on Shane Apperley's post: It's nice to have a explaination of the different types of tests and how to construct them.

Comment on John Dailey's post: Ethics is important in every profession. Students come with a knowledge base of what is considered wrong and right. The instuctor can help the student recognize ethical decisions within a professional setting. Providing examples of ethics in the work place is a good idea.

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