Christine Petras

Christine Petras

Location: united states

About me

Registered Nurse

CTE Health Science Teacher

CNA Program Coordinator


There are learning objects that are already developed and may be accessed through a variety of locations.  For example, your school or university technology department may have learning objects already developed for your use. 

As a teacher and Registered Nurse Industry Professional,  I was quite surprised after my first week with distance learning to realize that distance learning education did work better for some students.  Although some students do work better with a face-to-face course style of teaching, I have students that were struggling with completing assignments or passing a quiz who to my surprise are now some of my first to complete the coursework. I feel that there definitely an advantage in using an online format to deliver instructional knowledge.  My CTE students seem to appreciate the convenience of online instructional coursework which… >>>

As an online distance learning instructor, you should become fully familiar with your institution's online course delivery platform. Our institution's platform is Edgenuity which we had five days to learn and many webinars to follow so that we can be effective with our e-learning program. 




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