Christina Phillips

Christina Phillips

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From this module, I have learned the importance of incorporating some form of active learning into each class session.

From this module, I have learned the importance of how being prepared for each class will positively impact student learning, respect, and rapport. Additionally, you are modeling professionalism by being prepared for each class.

From this module, I have learned the importance of monitoring the various types of students that I may encounter (silent, angry, cheater, etc).

From this module, I have learned about how to apply different strategies to manage the various personalities that I am likely to encounter in the classroom.

From this module, I have learned the importance of always making sure that I answer the question, WIIFM, as it relates to teaching new information/concepts.

From this module, I have learned that there exists other laws that override FERPA as it relates to the release of student information.

From this module, I have learned the importance of knowing that although students have the right to access their academic information under FERPA, they must follow the appropriate process and procedures.

From this module, I have learned the importance of either knowing, or knowing where to find information on the proper policies and procedures regarding the release of student information as defined by FERPA.

From this module, I have learned the importance of FERPA in general and its role in safeguarding student information. 

From this module, I have learned the importance of being knowledgeable about the VAWA crimes to include dating and domestic violence in order to be a reliable resource for students/staff/members of my institution should the need arise.

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