Elizabeth Martinez

Elizabeth Martinez

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The issue that I the most frustrating one of the most frustrating issues that I come across frequently is the students ability to get to school I have on several occasions tried to implement a car pool program, but a huge percentage of our student body is not willing to participate. The Las Vegas area is unique. The local bus transportation often finds our students that live only minutes away bar car (20-30) will take up to 3 hours if not more to get to school not to mention the cost is sometimes up to $80.00 + dollars to have… >>>

For me at least I find it the most difficult to help a student, when they do not self-identify, because of FIRPA it is seek out a troubled student, because we may violate their rights, and insult or embarrass them. What can we do to foster a relationship and diagnose in order to help these types of students?
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It would be nice if there was a class or once a block training session to (a round table if you will) have an open discussion that the students could sign up for, they may find that they are not alone and have more in common with their fellow student. They may find answers to their questions. For example, a very real issue is not meeting not just the schools expectations, but their own as well. This type of forum may help them to meet students they can study with, and open up a whole new realm of possibilities and… >>>

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At my school it is difficult to keep track of the students; we have a large range of age, gender, and financial status. Most of the time, when one of our students leave, if it is not due to a medical or family emergency it is due to financial hardships, that at this point we have no resources to help. It is very frustrating that we do not have some sort of emergency funds set aside for these students who are for the most part academically talented and very good students. On the other hand the students who are struggling… >>>

this one seemed very confusing. a lot of the questions were criptic and seemed out of place for the content in the course.

how often do you have a student use thier past expeirences to relate to the current subject being taught/
how important do you feel previous education is to your current student?
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how often do you find that it is easier to work with a student who is older rather than younger. I feel it is mcuh esier, becasue they seem to care more and are generally more dedicated.
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Rubrics are good tools to help inform the students what to expect from the topic to be discussed.
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I for one can tell you that I fall somewhere in-between the YOUNGER and the OLDER generations. But still being behind on the times has made it far more difficult to succeed and fit in with the “younger” students. It takes a lot of questions and prying to get answers to questions about technology that may come easier to the younger kids, although now more than say ten years ago, it is far easier to navigate through a web site do to the boom of technology just in the past ten years.

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