Cyria Hart

Cyria Hart

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THe teacher acts a a facilitator in many ways.


Organization of the course is very important. It needs to be structured in a student managable fashion. Students need to know what is found in predicatable area. Instructional units should be small and manageable. Use games and supportive video clips


Feedback is key!! You need to structure the course in such a way that engages students and helps them to to buy into the course from the start. This can even include having the students participate in structuring as well.


Feedback is important and a good gauge of the effectiveness of the course. It is normal to expect a certain degree of complaining about technology and the facilitator but if it is excessive it would be an indicator that something is wrong and re-evaluation needs to occur. As facilitator, it is the instructor's job to foster communication of all types and build relationships.


When using syncronous communication be sure students follow guidelines like raising hands electronically, unmuting etc

The online teaching style needs to match  the instructor teaching style and there are different tools that can be used to meet those needs. Communication guidlelines need to be established whether using synchronous or asynchronous and both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Also there are many different teaching tools availble for use. 

The different teaching tools available need to be used based on the course objectives and the needs of the students as well as the teaching styles of the instructor.


Evaluation of the course needs to be from multiple sources and ongoing to be effective


There are many different ways to provide feedback both via formative and summative assessment. Both should be used. Students need to have feedback during the process of learning as well as at the end. Feedback should be done in an objective manner with rubrics as well as in a variety of forms such as auditory and visual


Communication is key. Instructions must be written in a way that clarifies exactly what the expectations are. The syllabus cannot be a static entity but instead dynamic changing with the needs of the students. Communication with all groups is important and should be assesed regularly.


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